“When you are fed up with the troublesome present, take your gun, whistle for your dog, and go out to the mountain.”
—José Ortega y Gasset
Our Purpose
As advocates for wild places, wild creatures and living a “wilder life”, we want more people to experience these things because, as a society, we’ve become severely disconnected from the natural world... and that’s probably not a good thing!
Progression, technological innovation, increased safety and convenience are all an important part of the human experience but there’s something pretty special that happens when you take the time to participate in nature.
Sleeping under the stars, feeling the elements, learning about ecosystem interactions, taking responsibility for where your meat comes from, building a campfire, being more reliant on your own skills - these things reignite the human spirit. The mental and physical benefits are impossible to ignore.
And once you’ve tapped into that, it’s hard to not care about the bigger picture. We want our friends, family and the next generation to be able to share these experiences too.
This is our vision. These are the conversations that we want to have. And coffee makes a great catalyst for conversation… so get the billy on and grab yourself some of the good stuff.